Raleigh York Rite NewsFrom the Secretary/Recorder: On the local front, our Festival brought in 4 new Companions and 5 Sir Knights. Congratulations to our newest members. We hope that you take an active part in our Bodies. We can always use assistance with our degree work and other works in the Bodies. Raleigh Commandery No. 4 was the recipient of both the Wilbert F. Huntley Award and the Fredrick Speidel Award at the Grand York Rite meetings in March. The Huntley Award is the top award given to commanderies each year. Thanks to all who contributed to Raleigh Commandery No. 4 and made this possible. At our 2023 Christmas Observance the Raleigh Merit awards were presented. Congratulations Companion and Sir Knight Alan Mabry 2022 and Companion and Sir Knight Michael Orlando 2023. Members of our Bodies continue to serve in leadership in other Masonic Bodies. We congratulate all of our members who serve in other Bodies. Our attendance continues to be between 20 - 25 members. We encourage you to attend and be a part of our Bodies. Dues notices for 2025 have been mailed and checks are coming in. Check your Dues card and make sure that it is for 2024. If not, please pay your dues as soon as possible. Our Secretary/Recorder has asked me to continue to publish the newsletter. As in the past, I will try to get a newsletter out on a quarterly basis. Our website is updated as needed by Sir Knight Don Butto and Rita Daniels. Check it regularly to keep informed. Website is: raleighyorkrite.org. If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 919-801-7654 or by email at andy.adams62@gmail.com. You can reach our Secretary/Recorder, Will Chriscoe at wchriscoe93@gmail.com |