Raleigh York Rite
Raleigh York Rite
Raleigh York Rite11150 Durant Road Raleigh NC 27614 Meetings: 1st Wednesday at 7:30pm Secretary: Will Chriscoe Site Map |
York Masonry is the oldest and best known of all Masonic Rites. It takes its name from York, England, where the earliest known record of Masonry exists, dating from about A.D. 923. Masonry's first written record is centered around York, the seat of the Ancient York Grand Lodge. In 1813, this Grand Lodge merged with another group called the Modern Grand Lodge, to form the United Grand Lodge of England. This is the basis upon which our present system of Symbolic Lodge Masonry is built. You, as a Master Mason, have received the first three degrees of the York Rite. Having begun your Masonic work in the York Rite, it is natural that you should want to continue with it. Any Mason in good standing from a Lodge of a recognized jurisdiction may become a York Rite Mason. You start our journey by petitioning a Royal Arch Chapter. When you have received the Degree of the Holy Royal Arch, you are then eligible to join a Chapter of Cryptic Masons or a Commandery where you receive the Chivalric Degrees, including that of Knights Templar. |